This project explore the facts that hard barriers between the designed environment and the natural one can be if not erased, at least soften.

Can buildings be more porous, more open to the vitality of the surrounding city? Can an architectural intervention help the rebalancing the relationship between architecture and nature, with the goal of increasing the quality of life? Is it possible, as architect and designer to redefine space taking the environment seriously as a factor in health and healing?. We as a studio, believe that is something unavoidable. We, as an architectural studio, believe that looking at architecture as an agent of human well-being and the ecosystem is an inevitable approach.

Climate change requires us to rethink the way we create space, in order to connect with living structures in our environment, by creating spaces and places that support health and well being. We were quite conscious that we wanted to create a design that effectively eliminates stress and anxiety from the built environment of the city, so we focus our intervention to achieve a thoughtful connections with nature. The design scope includes architecture, interior design, furniture design, lighting, art and crafts to deliver a holistically integrated environment.

Climate change forces us to rethink the way we create the architectural space, to connect with the living structures of our environment, promoting spaces and places that support health and well-being. As a team, we were very aware that we wanted to allow a design that effectively eliminated the stress and anxiety of the built environment of the city, so we focused our intervention to achieve reflexive connections with nature. The scope of the design includes architecture, interior design, furniture design, lighting, art and crafts to offer an integrated integrated environment.

Geographically, the lot is located on the side of Route 160, in an area of ​​transition between terrestrial and aquatic environments, in the area of ​​the upper terrace of Biobío. in the commune of San Pedro de la Paz. Currently, this private land has a lot with a tourist destination, and also another, for real estate development. The tourist lot delimits with the Laguna Grande of San Pedro de la Paz and the Batros wetland, which presents a relevant challenge for us when we intervene. The wetland area is recognized by the community as a coastal area of ​​high natural and heritage value, however it is heavily anthropized and degraded by a growing urbanization, and has also been previously altered by pine and eucalyptus plantations eroding its soil and degrading the quality of native vegetation

As a morphological antecedent; It should be added that La Laguna Grande was formed by damming due to the sedimentation provided by the cliffs of the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range, in a period in which the area constituted the former deltaic front. Another component also important for us was to consider that the lot is also bordered by low lands of vegas and grasslands, typical of the Batros wetland where the lagoon drains many of which are used as orchards and agricultural activity. Fortunately, there is an extensive wetland area, in which diverse coastal environments such as dune fields, coastal wetlands, swamps and marshes have been formed, one of the most recognized is precisely the Batros Wetland.

In this delicate and fragile environmental context, our project is not part of a new intervention, but rather, the remodeling of an existing construction, the extension of an Event Hall, the construction of a new area for hygienic services, a new extension for administrative offices and a multi-space for a barbecue.