This building is literally embedded in the intermediate topographic level of the Quelén Tourist Center. Adjacent to the hill and opened to the immensity of the lake, the Metawe Room expands along the natural curvature of the terrain, adapting its structural order to the irregular natural geometry.

The name Metawe is given due to the over thirty enormous golden lamps that were made by hand from wooden materials and fibres extracted from the site; which now hang from the structure of the ceiling, given the space a noticeable air of dignity and elegance to an image, that traditionally comes from the form of a duck of traditional vases of clay, or metawes (duck in chedungun) used in ancient times to store water or maqui liquor, for the Mapuche culture.

The building is accessed from the north by a transitory space that acts as a foyer, by means of elongated ramps that line aside from the hill. So little by little, we evoked our “edge” condition. The continuity of space is accentuated by the perspective of the structure of the ceiling that falls into expressive structural pillars. These have been covered by local Wood, with was sawn wood less than 20 km. of the site, and that due its irregular shapes, they seem to dance at the sight of Lake Lanalhue. On the opposite side, towards the hill, the reinforced concrete structural retaining wall is covered with irregular mirrors that multiply the wonderful view of the lake, projecting its spatiality in all directions. Three enormous doors pivot adding theatricality to the access and open like walls that take the abstract geometries of the landscape and the local culture. The roof and ceiling, in addition, adopt an angular rhythm, which emulates the rhythm of the terrain, 3 large lucarnes are projected in the rooftop. In the outside, they are transformed into upper seats for those who access to the rooftop, to enjoy the immensity of the landscape, transforming the building into a viewpoint of great capacity of people inviting them to enjoy the immensity of the landscape of the Lanalhue´s lake as well as the farthermost Nahuelbuta mountain range.